Kathleen Martin - Taos Is Still Dancing

Kathleen Martin – Director of the Academy of Performing Arts

Kathleen Martin lives in Taos, New Mexico, and has been the director of the Academy of Performing Arts for two years.

Kathleen's Passion for Ballet

Kathleen started taking ballet because of her sister, who was also a dancer. She initially thought it was just the sibling rivalry urge but later noted that she loved dancing just as much. Kathleen loved that ballet could allow her to express herself without speaking.

Kathleen's First Production

Her first production, both as a young student and as a professional, was the Nutcracker. Her first role on the Nutcracker was a soldier, where she wore glued on red dots that hurt when taking them off. As an adult, she stood at the wings. This experience made her proud of what she had accomplished, both as a dancer and a person.

Her Formal Training

After completing high school, Kathleen moved to Boston and joined the Boston Ballet School. It was her first time around professional dancers and a professional environment as well. Unfortunately, she got injured and stayed out for a year. Afterward, Kathleen moved to Pittsburgh and enrolled in Point Park University's Performing Arts College. Her final formal training was when she moved to Salt Lake City with Valley West.

COVID's Impact on Kathleen's Craft

The virus has impacted her craft in multiple ways. As you may know, dancing is a physical sport. It involves getting close to each other and interacting closely during training and performing. Also, the lack of an audience to showcase their work has impacted how they train. She and other performers are currently still working on better ways to train classes and perform without risking anyone's health.

How COVID Changed Her Work

Because of a different norm, Kathleen had to transition from physical training to virtual training. Physical exercise also doesn't incorporate touching, only verbal cues and instructions. The virus has changed almost everything, including their training space, practicing times, and even the breaks from lessons.

Why Kathleen Loves Dance

Like mentioned earlier, she loves how dancing allows her to express herself without necessarily speaking. To her, dancing is a unique, communicating language that fully expresses your situation and emotions. Kathleen finds honor in her ability to dance and work on her craft every day.

Her Goals for the Rest of 2020

Her goals for the rest of the year include pushing and moving her craft forward. Kathleen also hopes to have two more performances for the remaining part of the year. And like most dancers, she hopes to continue dancing in person all  together.

How Kathleen Connects with Her Audience

Although challenging, Kathleen is still capable of connecting with her audience. She's doing this through virtual spaces and pre-recorded content. The pandemic was like a blessing in disguise because Kathleen can now present her work to more people. You can find her work on their official website, alongside their upcoming performances.

Kathleen's Message to the Community

Kathleen hopes that dance enthusiasts continue to pursue their passion regardless of the current situation. And to the Taos community, her message is to urge people to move forward safely and strongly.





